Have you ever wondered why they call them SIM cards? What about that last presidential debate, I mean the SIMulcast?!? These terms are not used for lack of a better word. Words are never flaunted without meaning. Names, places, and things are carefully and coincidentally (manifestly) used (picked) and have strong fields of energy associated with them. Nothing is without reason even if reason has yet to attribute any value to it. This is like the chicken or the egg debate. They are one and the same as the word superscedes any meaning to things through the association it has with the mind. We attribute our reality to material things when there is nothing in existence that is material at all. We assign values to tjinhs through naming them. Look no further than the plant and animal kingdom to find examples of this. Holly Oak for healing and repelling. Males for repelling and females for healing. As we further create a SIMulated reality we call the material world, we distance ourselves from our true nature, which is entirely spiritual. We are programed through the collective unconscious- which is physical functioning from inherited brain structure. Most of life in the unconscious consciousness is dependent on unconsciousness. The collective unconscious makes up mankinds typical reactions since primordal times to universal human situations such as fear, danger, struggle against superior power relationship between sexes, between children and parents, hate, love, birth, death, power of light and dark principle. The truth is there is no life, truth, intelligence nor substance in matter. All is infinite mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is all in all, spirit is immortal truth: matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and man is not material, he is spiritual. The reality we experience is nothing more than magnetic and electric grids criss-crossing, creating a fertile ground from a new experience to be had; complexity building upon itself. The earth was formed through this process as well. The word (sound) crashing into itself as it completes its cycle and back upn itself creates friction, which increases in intesity until light and colour is formed from it; which we call the northern lights. this complexity is never ending and natures way of continuously hiding her secrets and evolving. I have peeled back the veil and have since formed an intimate relationship with nature, and for that she shares with me her secrets. She would like me to share with you a message of hope and unity. Think LESS. Listen MORE.
I bless RA, the fierce sun burning bright. I bless ISIS-LUNA in the night. I bless the air, the HORUS-HAWK. I bless the EARTH on which I walk.